We’ve joined forces with sustainable food packaging expert to host free webinar
Businesses looking for new packaging suppliers can learn more from us and a sustainable food packaging expert during a free webinar.
Registration is now open!
The webinar, hosted by Simon Besley from Newton Print and Katie Roselaar from Innovate to Zero, will take place on Friday, March 3 from 12noon and registration is open now at https://bit.ly/3H1fwav.
Finding the right suppliers
Whether your brand is large or small, established or emerging, suppliers invariably have a huge impact on your business.
Finding the right suppliers for your unique situation takes time and energy but following a proven process and asking the right questions should get better results, with less effort.
We’re running this webinar so businesses can learn more about packaging suppliers, from resellers to manufacturers or high-volume to low-volume specialists, we will help you find the right ones for your situation.
In this session we will cover:
- What does the optimum supplier(s) look like for your business?
- Understanding your key motivations to recruiting suppliers
- A process of shortlisting the market to target a handful of suppliers to get to know in detail
- Selecting your optimum partner
- Best practices and pitfalls to consider throughout the process.
Innovate to Zero
Katie has more than 20 years’ experience in the packaging industry, working with manufacturers as well as food and drink businesses. She now co-runs her own consultancy, Innovate to Zero, helping clients specify and source the most sustainable and cost-effective packaging for their brand.
She said: “At Innovate to Zero we pride ourselves in supporting clients to specify exactly what the ideal packaging is for their product and brand – both now and in the future. We then find the optimum suppliers for each element of their packaging.
“In our experience, suppliers and clients are all so different that there is no single ‘best supplier’, more that it is about finding the right one for the clients’ unique set of requirements.
“Cost is often high up the priority list, as is sustainability, but sometimes a supplier is picked for their ability to provide a low minimum order quantity, flexible and timely call off of goods, short lead time, or other unique selling points. As their business grows and evolves, our roadmaps come into play – setting triggers at the key points to re-evaluate.
“I am looking forward to sharing our businesses expertise with attendees to our webinar and hope lots of people join us.”
Newton Print
Simon has been with the family company for 14 years, working with food producers and other FMCG brands to produce retail-ready packaging solutions, delivered reliably.
He said: “I’m really looking forward to talking with Katie and opening out the world of packaging to our viewers. Making the right decisions and asking the right questions of suppliers can make all the difference between success and failure, but it can be very daunting especially for startup and scaling brands.
“At Newton Print, asking questions is a big part of our culture and our team have a mantra which is to be ‘constantly customer-curious’ to really get under the skin of a brand that we work with. By doing this, we make sure that we’re not just a part of the supply chain but a close partner adding real value.
“We believe the same questioning mindset should apply to supplier relationships, and this is why we’re launching this webinar to help you discover what questions need to be asked and how to ask them.
“Make sure you register even if you’re not sure you can attend, so that you can view the recording at your leisure.”