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Put the kettle on and meet Simon!

By 18th August 2022September 5th, 2022No Comments

We recently caught up with our Sales & Marketing Director, Simon Besley, over a cup of his favourite brew, to find out a little bit more about him.

Simon BesleyOn a day-to-day basis, Simon works to develop and grow our business, heading up our sales and marketing department.

It is a close-knit team, responsible for attracting and retaining loyal customers, as well as scouting out new potential markets, providing feedback to the R&D team and getting the brand noticed in the food packaging industry.

What do you enjoy about your job? 

“I love exploring new opportunities, but also seeing those opportunities through to fruitful, long-lasting customer relationships. I’ve always enjoyed meeting people new and old, so I love the exhibitions we attend, as well as our customer visits and Zoom calls.

“I also love planning our next marketing moves, working out which tactics work best for us and how we’re going to approach our next campaign.

“Working in a family business there’s always variety too and it is great fun working closely together, especially as we all get on well. Best bit? I’m not going to pretend that I don’t really enjoy the customer samples that are occasionally sent to us to try; perks of working with the food industry!”

Tea or coffee or neither? 

“Both! Espresso first thing, and then way too many cups of tea; rooibos with no milk, which apparently isn’t remotely cool, but I just love the taste!”

Favourite biscuit or cake or neither? 

“It very much depends, but when it’s hot it’s got to be Lemon Meringue Pie!”

Hobbies – how do you spend your spare time? 

“I love being outdoors with my wife and our two kids – whether that’s a good coast walk, an evening swim or being dragged around a farm park by my enthusiastic four-year-old daughter!

“I enjoy DIY, food and wine (too much of both, probably) and ‘doing up the garden’ which is a never-ending job!”

Naomi Brown

Author Naomi Brown

Naomi has worked with Newton Print for many years creating new content, developing the website and writing about the latest drinks and food packaging ideas.

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